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LiteLLMBase(model_name: str, system_instruction: str | None = None, tools: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: CodeActModel

Base class for all code action models in freeact.

It uses LiteLLM for model access and cost tracking. It tracks conversation state in the history attribute. Subclasses must implement the extract_code method for extracting code from a LiteLLMResponse.


Name Type Description Default
model_name str

The LiteLLM-specific name of the model.

system_instruction str | None

A system instruction that guides the model to generate code actions.

tools list[dict[str, Any]] | None

A list of tool definitions. Some implementation classes use tools for passing code actions as argument while others include code actions directly in their response text.


Default completion kwargs used for request and feedback calls. These are merged with request and feedback specific completion kwargs where the latter have higher priority in case of conflicting keys.



Name Type Description
history list[dict[str, Any]]

List of conversation messages. User messages are either actual user queries sent via the request method or code execution results sent via the feedback method.

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def __init__(
    model_name: str,
    system_instruction: str | None = None,
    tools: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    self.model_name = model_name
    self.completion_kwargs = kwargs = tools or []
    self.tool_names = [tool_name(tool) for tool in]

    self.history: list[dict[str, Any]] = []

    if system_instruction:
        self.history.append({"role": "system", "content": system_instruction})

extract_code abstractmethod

extract_code(response: LiteLLMResponse) -> str | None

Extracts Python code from the response.

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def extract_code(self, response: LiteLLMResponse) -> str | None:
    """Extracts Python code from the response."""


feedback(feedback: str, is_error: bool, tool_use_id: str | None, tool_use_name: str | None, **kwargs) -> LiteLLMTurn

Constructs a new message with role tool if tool_use_id is defined, or with role user otherwise. Message content is feedback. It returns a LiteLLMTurn. After the turn is consumed, the input message and assistant message are added to the model's conversation history.


Name Type Description Default
feedback str

The feedback text from code execution.

is_error bool

Whether the feedback represents an error condition.

tool_use_id str | None

Identifier for the specific tool use instance.

tool_use_name str | None

Name of the tool that was used.


Completion kwargs supported by LiteLLM.



Name Type Description
LiteLLMTurn LiteLLMTurn

Represents a feedback interaction with the model where feedback is submitted by a freeact agent.

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def feedback(
    feedback: str,
    is_error: bool,
    tool_use_id: str | None,
    tool_use_name: str | None,
) -> LiteLLMTurn:
    """Constructs a new message with role `tool` if `tool_use_id` is defined,
    or with role `user` otherwise. Message content is `feedback`. It returns
    a [LiteLLMTurn][freeact.model.litellm.model.LiteLLMTurn]. After the turn
    is consumed, the input message and assistant message are added to the model's
    conversation `history`.

        feedback (str): The feedback text from code execution.
        is_error (bool): Whether the feedback represents an error condition.
        tool_use_id (str | None): Identifier for the specific tool use instance.
        tool_use_name (str | None): Name of the tool that was used.
        **kwargs: Completion kwargs supported by LiteLLM.

        LiteLLMTurn: Represents a feedback interaction with the model where `feedback`
            is submitted by a `freeact` [agent][freeact.agent.CodeActAgent].
    if tool_use_id is not None:
        feedback_message = {
            "role": "tool",
            "tool_call_id": tool_use_id,
            "content": feedback,
        feedback_message = {
            "role": "user",
            "content": feedback,

    return LiteLLMTurn(self._stream(feedback_message, **kwargs))


request(user_query: str, **kwargs) -> LiteLLMTurn

Constructs a new message with role user and content user_query and returns a LiteLLMTurn. After the turn is consumed, the user message and assistant message are added to the model's conversation history.


Name Type Description Default
user_query str

The user's input query or request.


Completion kwargs supported by LiteLLM.



Name Type Description
LiteLLMTurn LiteLLMTurn

Represents a single user interaction.

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def request(
    user_query: str,
) -> LiteLLMTurn:
    """Constructs a new message with role `user` and content `user_query`
    and returns a [LiteLLMTurn][freeact.model.litellm.model.LiteLLMTurn].
    After the turn is consumed, the user message and assistant message are
    added to the model's conversation `history`.

        user_query: The user's input query or request.
        **kwargs: Completion kwargs supported by LiteLLM.

        LiteLLMTurn: Represents a single user interaction.
    user_message = {"role": "user", "content": user_query}
    return LiteLLMTurn(self._stream(user_message, **kwargs))


LiteLLM(model_name: str, execution_output_template: str, execution_error_template: str, system_instruction: str | None = None, tools: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: LiteLLMBase

A default implementation of LiteLLMBase that

  • formats code execution feedback based on provided output and error templates.
  • implements extract_code by extracting the first Python code block from the response text.


Name Type Description Default
model_name str

The LiteLLM-specific name of the model.

execution_output_template str

A template for formatting successful code execution output. Must define a{execution_feedback} placeholder.

execution_error_template str

A template for formatting code execution errors. Must define a {execution_feedback} placeholder.

system_instruction str | None

A system instruction that guides the model to generate code actions.

tools list[dict[str, Any]] | None

A list of tool definitions. Some implementation classes use tools for passing code actions as argument while others include code actions directly in their response text.


Default completion kwargs used for request and feedback calls. These are merged with request and feedback specific completion kwargs where the latter have higher priority in case of conflicting keys.

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def __init__(
    model_name: str,
    execution_output_template: str,
    execution_error_template: str,
    system_instruction: str | None = None,
    tools: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    self.execution_output_template = execution_output_template
    self.execution_error_template = execution_error_template


extract_code(response: LiteLLMResponse) -> str | None

Extracts the first Python code block from response.text.

Override this method to customize extraction logic.

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def extract_code(self, response: LiteLLMResponse) -> str | None:
    """Extracts the first Python code block from `response.text`.

    **Override this method to customize extraction logic.**
    return code_block(response.text, 0)


LiteLLMTurn(iter: AsyncIterator[str | LiteLLMResponse])

Bases: CodeActModelTurn

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def __init__(self, iter: AsyncIterator[str | LiteLLMResponse]):
    self._iter = iter
    self._response: LiteLLMResponse | None = None

LiteLLMResponse dataclass

LiteLLMResponse(text: str, is_error: bool, token_usage: Dict[str, int] = dict(), tool_use: ToolUse | None = None, code: str | None = None)


code_block(text: str, index: int, **kwargs) -> str | None

Finds the index-th block matching pattern in text.

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def code_block(text: str, index: int, **kwargs) -> str | None:
    """Finds the `index`-th block matching `pattern` in `text`."""
    blocks = code_blocks(text, **kwargs)
    return blocks[index] if blocks else None


code_blocks(text: str, pattern: str = '```python\\n(.*?)```') -> list[str]

Finds all blocks matching pattern in text.

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def code_blocks(text: str, pattern: str = r"```python\n(.*?)```") -> list[str]:
    """Finds all blocks matching `pattern` in `text`."""
    blocks = re.findall(pattern, text, re.DOTALL)
    return [block.strip() for block in blocks]


sanitize_tool_name(tool_name: str) -> str

Sanitizes a tool name by replacing non-alphanumeric characters with underscores.

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def sanitize_tool_name(tool_name: str) -> str:
    """Sanitizes a tool name by replacing non-alphanumeric characters with underscores."""
    return re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", "_", tool_name)


tool_name(tool: dict[str, Any]) -> str

Extracts the tool name from a tool definition.

Source code in freeact/model/litellm/
def tool_name(tool: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    """Extracts the tool name from a [tool definition]("""
    return tool["function"]["name"]