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CodeExecutionContainer(tag: str, env: dict[str, str] | None = None, port: int | None = None, show_pull_progress: bool = True, workspace_path: Path | str | None = None)

Bases: ExecutionContainer

Context manager for managing code execution container lifecycle.

Extends ipybox's ExecutionContainer to provide workspace-specific bind mounts for skill directories. Handles creation, port mapping, volume binding, and cleanup of the container.


Name Type Description Default
tag str

Docker image tag to use for the container

env dict[str, str] | None

Optional environment variables to set in the container

port int | None

Optional host port to map to container's executor port. Random port used if not specified

show_pull_progress bool

Whether to show progress when pulling the Docker image.

workspace_path Path | str | None

Optional path to workspace directory, defaults to "workspace"

async with CodeExecutionContainer(tag="gradion-ai/ipybox-example", workspace_path=Path("workspace")) as container:
    # Container is running and available at container.port
# Container is automatically cleaned up after context exit
Source code in freeact/
def __init__(
    tag: str,
    env: dict[str, str] | None = None,
    port: int | None = None,
    show_pull_progress: bool = True,
    workspace_path: Path | str | None = None,
    self.workspace = Workspace(Path(workspace_path) if workspace_path else Path("workspace"))

    binds = {
        self.workspace.private_skills_path: "skills/private",
        self.workspace.shared_skills_path: "skills/shared",

    super().__init__(tag=tag, binds=binds, env=env, port=port, show_pull_progress=show_pull_progress)

CodeExecutionEnvironment dataclass

CodeExecutionEnvironment(container: CodeExecutionContainer, executor: CodeExecutor, logger: Logger)

A convenience class that bundles the container, executor and logger of an execution environment.


Name Type Description
container CodeExecutionContainer

Manages a Docker container of the execution environment

executor CodeExecutor

Manages an IPython kernel running in the container

logger Logger

Logger instance for recording model interactions


CodeExecutor(key: str, workspace: Workspace, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ExecutionClient

Context manager for executing code in an IPython kernel running in a CodeExecutionContainer.

Provides stateful code execution within a container, maintaining kernel state between executions. Manages scoped skill and image storage directories.


Name Type Description Default
key str

Scope identifier used to:

  • Create scoped private skill directories for an executor instance (host path {workspace.path}/skills/private/{key})
  • Create scoped image storage directories for an executor instance (host-only path {workspace.path}/images/{key}).
  • Set the working directory to the scoped private skill directory
workspace Workspace

a Workspace instance defining the skill directory structure


Additional arguments passed to the ExecutionClient constructor


Additional keyword arguments passed to the ExecutionClient constructor

async with CodeExecutor(key="agent-1", workspace=container.workspace, port=container.port) as executor:
    # Execute code with access to skill directories
    await executor.execute("print('Hello')")
Source code in freeact/
def __init__(self, key: str, workspace: Workspace, *args, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    self.key = key
    self.workspace = workspace

    # Host mapping for working directory inside container
    self.working_dir = workspace.private_skills_path / key

    # images are stored on host only (for now)
    self.images_dir = workspace.path / "images" / key

skill_paths property

skill_paths: List[Path]

A path list containing the shared skill path and the scoped private skill path (= working directory).

Workspace dataclass

Workspace(path: Path)

Represents a workspace containing shared and private agent skills. These are skills that are not pre-installed in the code execution container.

Workspaces are bind-mounted into CodeExecutionContainer to share skills between a code execution container and the host machine.


Name Type Description Default
path Path

Base path of the workspace directory structure on the host.


private_skills_path property

private_skills_path: Path

Path to private skills root directory.

shared_skills_path property

shared_skills_path: Path

Path to shared skills directory.


dotenv_variables(dotenv_path: Path | None = Path('.env'), export: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, str]

Load environment variables from a .env file.

Reads environment variables from a .env file and optionally exports them to os.environ. If no path is provided, searches for a .env file in parent directories.


Name Type Description Default
dotenv_path Path | None

Path to the .env file. Defaults to .env in current directory.

export bool

Whether to export variables to current environment. Defaults to True.


Additional keyword arguments passed to DotEnv constructor.



Type Description
Dict[str, str]

Dictionary mapping environment variable names to their values.

Source code in freeact/
def dotenv_variables(dotenv_path: Path | None = Path(".env"), export: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Load environment variables from a `.env` file.

    Reads environment variables from a `.env` file and optionally exports them to `os.environ`.
    If no path is provided, searches for a `.env` file in parent directories.

        dotenv_path: Path to the `.env` file. Defaults to `.env` in current directory.
        export: Whether to export variables to current environment. Defaults to `True`.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to `DotEnv` constructor.

        Dictionary mapping environment variable names to their values.

    if dotenv_path is None:
        dotenv_path = find_dotenv()

    dotenv = DotEnv(dotenv_path=dotenv_path, **kwargs)

    if export:

    return {k: v for k, v in dotenv.dict().items() if v is not None}

execution_environment async

execution_environment(executor_key: str = 'default', ipybox_tag: str = '', env_vars: dict[str, str] = dotenv_variables(), workspace_path: Path | str = Path('workspace'), log_file: Path | str = Path('logs', 'agent.log'))

Convenience context manager for a local, sandboxed code execution environment.

Sets up a complete environment for executing code securely on the local machine, including:

  • A Docker container based on ipybox
  • A code executor connected to the container
  • A logger for recording model interactions


Name Type Description Default
executor_key str

CodeExecutor key for private workspace directories

ipybox_tag str

Tag of the ipybox Docker image to use

env_vars dict[str, str]

Environment variables to pass to the container

workspace_path Path | str

Path to workspace directory on host machine

log_file Path | str

Path to log file for recording model interactions

Path('logs', 'agent.log')
Source code in freeact/
async def execution_environment(
    executor_key: str = "default",
    ipybox_tag: str = "",
    env_vars: dict[str, str] = dotenv_variables(),
    workspace_path: Path | str = Path("workspace"),
    log_file: Path | str = Path("logs", "agent.log"),
    """Convenience context manager for a local, sandboxed [code execution environment][freeact.executor.CodeExecutionEnvironment].

    Sets up a complete environment for executing code securely on the local machine, including:

    - A Docker container based on [`ipybox`](
    - A code executor connected to the container
    - A logger for recording model interactions

        executor_key: [CodeExecutor][freeact.executor.CodeExecutor] key for private workspace directories
        ipybox_tag: Tag of the `ipybox` Docker image to use
        env_vars: Environment variables to pass to the container
        workspace_path: Path to workspace directory on host machine
        log_file: Path to log file for recording model interactions
    async with CodeExecutionContainer(
    ) as container:
        async with CodeExecutor(
        ) as executor:
            async with Logger(file=log_file) as logger:
                yield CodeExecutionEnvironment(container=container, executor=executor, logger=logger)