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CodeActAgent(model: CodeActModel, executor: CodeExecutor)

An agent that iteratively generates and executes code actions to process user queries.

The agent implements a loop that:

  1. Generates code actions using a CodeActModel
  2. Executes the code using a CodeExecutor
  3. Provides execution feedback to the CodeActModel
  4. Continues until the model generates a final response

The agent maintains conversational state and can have multiple interaction turns with the user.


Name Type Description Default
model CodeActModel

Model instance for generating code actions

executor CodeExecutor

Executor instance for running the generated code

Source code in freeact/
def __init__(self, model: CodeActModel, executor: CodeExecutor):
    self.model = model
    self.executor = executor


run(user_query: str, max_steps: int = 30, step_timeout: float = 120, **kwargs) -> CodeActAgentTurn

Process a user query through a sequence of model interactions and code executions.

Initiates an interaction turn that processes the user query through alternating steps of code action model interactions and code execution until a final response is generated by the model.


Name Type Description Default
user_query str

The input query from the user to process

max_steps int

Maximum number of interaction steps before raising MaxStepsReached

step_timeout float

Timeout in seconds for each code execution step


Additional keyword arguments passed to the model



Type Description

A CodeActAgentTurn instance representing the complete interaction sequence


Type Description

If the interaction exceeds max_steps without completion

Source code in freeact/
def run(
    user_query: str,
    max_steps: int = 30,
    step_timeout: float = 120,
) -> CodeActAgentTurn:
    """Process a user query through a sequence of model interactions and code executions.

    Initiates an interaction turn that processes the user query through alternating
    steps of code action model interactions and code execution until a final response
    is generated by the model.

        user_query: The input query from the user to process
        max_steps: Maximum number of interaction steps before raising `MaxStepsReached`
        step_timeout: Timeout in seconds for each code execution step
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the model

        A `CodeActAgentTurn` instance representing the complete interaction sequence

        MaxStepsReached: If the interaction exceeds max_steps without completion
    iter = self._stream(
    return CodeActAgentTurn(iter)

CodeActAgentResponse dataclass

CodeActAgentResponse(text: str)

Final response from the agent to the user for the current turn.


Name Type Description
text str

The final response text to present to the user


Represents a complete interaction turn between the user and agent.

A turn consists of a sequence of model interaction turns and code executions, continuing until:

  • The model provides a final response without code
  • An error occurs
  • Maximum steps are reached

The turn can be processed either in bulk via response() or incrementally via stream().

Source code in freeact/
def __init__(self, iter: AsyncIterator[CodeActModelTurn | CodeExecution | CodeActModelResponse]):
    self._iter = iter
    self._response: CodeActAgentResponse | None = None

response async

response() -> CodeActAgentResponse

Get the final response for this interaction turn.

Waits for the complete interaction sequence to finish, including any intermediate model interaction and code executions. The final response is cached after the first call.


Type Description

The final agent response containing the text to present to the user


This method will process the entire interaction sequence if called before streaming is complete. For incremental processing, use the stream() method instead.

Source code in freeact/
async def response(self) -> CodeActAgentResponse:
    """Get the final response for this interaction turn.

    Waits for the complete interaction sequence to finish, including any
    intermediate model interaction and code executions. The final response
    is cached after the first call.

        The final agent response containing the text to present to the user

        This method will process the entire interaction sequence if called
        before streaming is complete. For incremental processing, use the
        `stream()` method instead.
    if self._response is None:
        async for _ in
    return self._response  # type: ignore

stream async

Stream the sequence of model turns and code executions.

Yields each step in the interaction sequence as it occurs:

  • CodeActModelTurn: Model thinking and code action generation steps
  • CodeExecution: Code actions being executed in the execution environment

The sequence continues until the model provides a final response, which is stored internally but not yielded.


Type Description
AsyncIterator[CodeActModelTurn | CodeExecution]

Individual model turns and code executions in sequence


The final CodeActModelResponse is not yielded but is stored internally and can be accessed via the response() method.

Source code in freeact/
async def stream(self) -> AsyncIterator[CodeActModelTurn | CodeExecution]:
    """Stream the sequence of model turns and code executions.

    Yields each step in the interaction sequence as it occurs:

    - `CodeActModelTurn`: Model thinking and code action generation steps
    - `CodeExecution`: Code actions being executed in the execution environment

    The sequence continues until the model provides a final response,
    which is stored internally but not yielded.

        Individual model turns and code executions in sequence

        The final `CodeActModelResponse` is not yielded but is stored
        internally and can be accessed via the `response()` method.
    async for elem in self._iter:
        match elem:
            case CodeActModelResponse() as msg:
                self._response = CodeActAgentResponse(text=msg.text)
            case _:
                yield elem


CodeExecution(execution: Execution, images_dir: Path)

Represents a code execution in a CodeExecutor instance.

Supports both bulk and streaming access to results generated by the executor.


Name Type Description

The underlying ipybox execution instance


Directory where generated images are saved

Source code in freeact/
def __init__(self, execution: Execution, images_dir: Path):
    self.execution = execution
    self.images_dir = images_dir
    self._result: CodeExecutionResult | None = None

result async

result(timeout: float = 120) -> CodeExecutionResult

Get the complete result of the code execution.

Waits for the execution to finish and returns a CodeExecutionResult containing all output, generated images, and error status. The result is cached after the first call.


Name Type Description Default
timeout float

Maximum time in seconds to wait for execution completion



Type Description

A CodeExecutionResult containing the execution output, images, and error status


Type Description

If execution exceeds the specified timeout

Source code in freeact/
async def result(self, timeout: float = 120) -> CodeExecutionResult:
    """Get the complete result of the code execution.

    Waits for the execution to finish and returns a `CodeExecutionResult` containing
    all output, generated images, and error status. The result is cached after
    the first call.

        timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for execution completion

        A `CodeExecutionResult` containing the execution output, images, and error status

        TimeoutError: If execution exceeds the specified timeout
    if self._result is None:
        async for _ in
    return self._result  # type: ignore

stream async

stream(timeout: float = 120) -> AsyncIterator[str]

Stream the execution output as it becomes available.

Yields chunks of output text as they are produced by the execution. Generated images are not part of the stream but are stored internally in CodeExecutionResult which can be obtained by calling the result() method.


Name Type Description Default
timeout float

Maximum time in seconds to wait for execution completion



Type Description

Chunks of code execution output text


Type Description

If execution exceeds the specified timeout

Source code in freeact/
async def stream(self, timeout: float = 120) -> AsyncIterator[str]:
    """Stream the execution output as it becomes available.

    Yields chunks of output text as they are produced by the execution. Generated
    images are not part of the stream but are stored internally in `CodeExecutionResult`
    which can be obtained by calling the `result()` method.

        timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for execution completion

        Chunks of code execution output text

        TimeoutError: If execution exceeds the specified timeout
    images = {}

        async for chunk in
            yield chunk
    except ExecutionError as e:
        is_error = True
        text = e.trace
        yield text
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:
        is_error = True
        text = "Execution timed out"
        yield text
        result = await self.execution.result()
        text = result.text
        is_error = False

        if result.images:
            chunk = "\n\nProduced images:"
            yield chunk
            text += chunk

        for i, image in enumerate(result.images):
            path = await self._save_image(image)
            chunk = f"\n![image_{i}]({path})"
            yield chunk
            text += chunk
            images[path] = image

    self._result = CodeExecutionResult(text=text, images=images, is_error=is_error)

CodeExecutionResult dataclass

CodeExecutionResult(text: str, images: Dict[Path, Image], is_error: bool)

Result of executing code in a CodeExecutor instance.

Stores the execution output, any generated images, and error status from running code in the execution environment.


Name Type Description Default
text str

Execution output text or error trace

images Dict[Path, Image]

Dictionary mapping file paths to generated images

is_error bool

Whether the execution resulted in an error



Bases: Exception

Raised when the maximum number of steps per user query is reached.

This exception indicates that the agent has reached its maximum allowed interaction steps while processing a user query.